
This study examines the land-sea contrast in the vertical structure of precipitation over Sumatra and its surrounding ocean using eight years (2014–2021) of dual-frequency precipitation radar (DPR) data from the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission. The study area is segmented into Ocean, Coast I (west coast), Land I (west of Barisan Mountains), Land II (east of Barisan Mountains), and Coast II (east coast). The effective reflectivity factor (Ze), rainfall rate (R), and two raindrop size distribution (DSD) parameters, namely the mass-weighted mean diameter (Dm) and the normalized intercept (Nw), were analyzed. Stratiform and deep convective rainfall were the most frequent types in Coast I, followed by Ocean, Land I, Land II, and Coast II. In contrast, shallow convective rainfall was the most common type in Ocean, followed by Coast I, Land I, Land II, and Coast II. The average rain top height (RTH) was found to be higher in Land II and Coast II than in Ocean, Coast I, and Land I, in accordance with the surface rainfall intensity pattern previously reported by other studies. Furthermore, the data on heavy ice precipitation demonstrated an increase from the ocean to the coast and land, with a significant number of instances observed in Land I, Land II, and Coast II, in addition to Coast I. This contrast in heavy ice precipitation and RTH influences DSD. The land-sea contrast of DSD is more pronounced for deep convective rains. Deep convective exhibited a lower frequency of large raindrops over the ocean than over the coast and land, as reflected in the Dm profile. Conversely, raindrop concentration, particularly small drops, was higher at sea. The percentage of Dm > 2 mm at sea was approximately 2%, rising to 4–6% in Land II and Coast II. The land-sea contrast in the vertical structure of precipitation over Sumatra exhibited apparent diurnal variation. Larger Dm and smaller Nw were observed over Land I and Coast I, particularly in the afternoon and evening, correlating with peak rainfall. This pattern aligns with heavy ice precipitation profiles, vertical relative humidity (RH), and wind profiles. This study highlights the complexities and potential discrepancies between vertical precipitation profiles and surface precipitation data, underscoring the nuanced nature of land-sea precipitation migration.

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