
Dante Alighieri, one of the masters of Italian and world literature, depicted as a platform where human beings who had been corrupted would face their sins, and in this way he tried to warn humanity. Dante refused to dene the various types of punishment in Hell as different reections of the law of contrapasso. He also stressed the necessity that this term should be set free from a limited understanding of justice put forth by Aristotle and other theologians. While the poet devised the types of punishment, which acquired a concrete aspect in “Hell”, he gave priority to their association with the crimes committed in this world. According to him, regarding the principle of contrapasso, the punishment should not only be relevant to the crime but also be linguistically relevant and memorable to the criminal. The aim of the poet is to reason the inevitablity of the judgement through the law of contrapasso. To sum up, it is crucial to scrutinize the causality of contrapasso together with Dante's religious acquisitions, so as to render the message of The Divine Comedy, which is inspired by the political and social context of its period, comprehensible.

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