
AbstractThe Bhander Group, the uppermost stratigraphic unit of the Proterozoic Vindhyan Supergroup in Son Valley, exhibits in its upper part a 550 m thick, muddy siliciclastic succession characterized by features indicative of deposition in a wave‐affected coastal, lagoon–tidal flat environment suffering repeated submergence and emergence. The basic architecture of the deposit is alternation of centimetre‐ to decimetre‐thick sheet‐like interbeds of coarser clastics (mainly sandstone) and decimetre‐thick mudstones. The coarser interlayers are dominated by a variety of ripple‐formed laminations. The preserved ripple forms on bed‐top surfaces and their internal lamination style suggest both oscillatory and combined flows for their formation. Interference, superimposed, ladder‐back and flat‐topped ripples are also common. Synsedimentary cracks, wrinkle marks, features resembling rain prints and adhesion structures occur in profusion on bed‐top surfaces. Salt pseudomorphs are also present at the bases of beds. The mudstone intervals represent suspension settlement and show partings with interfaces characterized by synsedimentary cracks. It is inferred that the sediments were deposited on a coastal plain characterized by a peritidal (supratidal–intertidal) flat and evaporative lagoon suffering repeated submergence and emergence due to storm‐induced coastal setup and setdown in addition to tidal fluctuations.The 550 m thick coastal flat succession is surprisingly devoid of any barrier bar deposits and also lacks shoreface and shelfal strata. The large areal extent of the coastal flat succession (c. 100,000 km2) and its great thickness indicate an extremely low‐gradient epeiric basin characterized by an extensive coastal flat sheltered from the deeper marine domain. It is inferred that the Bhander coastal flat was protected from the open sea by the Bundelkhand basement arch to the north of the Vindhyan basin, instead of barrier bars. Such a setting favoured accumulation of a high proportion of terrigenous mud in the coastal plain, in contrast to many described examples from the Proterozoic. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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