
Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5 is a probiotic strain used in dairy products. Production of bacteriocin by L. acidophilus La-5 was achieved when it was grown in co-cultures with the yogurt starter species Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus. However, bacteriocin induction was not observed when heat-killed cells were used as inducers. This study demonstrates that L. acidophilus La-5 produces lactacin B and that the bacteriocin expression is controlled by an auto-induction mechanism involving the secreted peptide IP_1800. The transcript level of the lactacin B gene cluster expression was investigated in co-cultures between L. acidophilus La-5 and S. thermophilus STY-31 and a remarkable increase of the bacteriocin structural gene ( lbaB) transcription was observed. However, lbaB was transcribed constitutively in uninduced L. acidophilus La-5 cells, but the levels of the secreted bacteriocin were not enough to be detected by the agar diffusion assay. A new method for bacteriocin detection was formulated based on the monitoring on real time of Lactobacillus sakei subsp. sakei growth in presence of the supernatant and the cell wall extracts of pure and induced L. acidophilus La-5. These results showed that part of lactacin B secreted remains adhered to cell envelope.

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