
External quality assessment (EQA) has been shown to improve laboratory performance and diagnosis in haemostasis. We report here findings from the World Federation of Haemophilia (WFH) EQA programme during the period 2004-2007. Samples for PT, APTT, FVIII:C, FIX:C and VWF assays were distributed to centres in both established and emerging countries, and results were compared with results obtained by United Kingdom National External Quality Assessment Scheme (UK NEQAS) participants on the same samples. In general, good agreement was seen throughout between WFH and UK NEQAS for screening tests, and it was possible to identify an improvement in WFH centre agreement for results for VWF assays during the period of study. Agreement between emerging and established WFH centres was comparable for screening tests, possibly indicative of the relative simplicity of these tests and the degree of automation now employed in almost all haemostasis laboratories. However, CVs and performance compared with UK NEQAS participant results for factor assays amongst established centres was better than between emerging centres. Distribution of a questionnaire revealed different application of methodology for these assays, which may contribute to the observed difference in performance. Several centres participated in supplementary exercises, with comparable results obtained by emerging and established centres performing FVIII and fibrinogen measurement on cryoprecipitate, and all centres performing FVIII inhibitor assays correctly identifying the presence of an inhibitor. Participation in EQA programmes should continue to encourage improvement in laboratory performance and therefore improvements in the diagnosis and care of patients with haemophilia.

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