
Powdery mildew caused by Leveillula taurica is an important disease of cluster bean causing the yield loss upto 50-55 per cent. In the present study various systemic, contact, combi product fungicides, bioagents and botanicals have been evaluated in lab condition against Leveillula taurica. Results reveal that among the different fungicides tested, cent per cent conidial germination inhibition was observed with hexaconazole @ 0.1% and 95.78 per cent inhibition with wettable sulphur @ 0.3% and 94.72 per cent inhibition with tebuconazole 50% + trifloxystrobin 25% @ 0.2%. Among the different botanicals and bioagents tested, maximum conidial germination inhibition (80.13%) was observed with nimbecidine @ 10% and 56.72 per cent inhibition with Bacillus subtilis @ 1% concentration.

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