
The life cycle of Hyalomma truncatum Koch (Acari: Ixodidae) required an average of 108 d at 26 +/- 1 degree C. 92-96% RH, and a 12:12 (L:D) photoperiod to complete. Mean weights of unfed larvae, nymphs, and females were 0.02, 0.19, and 11.1 mg, respectively. Weight of larvae, nymphs, and females increased 20-, 91-, and 48-fold, respectively, as a result of feeding on guinea pigs. All stages exhibited host-seeking behavior less than 1 d after emergence. The mean (+/- SE) feeding period of larvae, nymphs, and adults was 3.8 (+/- 0.1), 7.7 (+/- 0.3), and 8.3 (+/- 0.3) d, respectively. Larvae and nymphs molted an average of 11.0 (+/- 0.3), and 30.7 (+/- 0.2) d after engorgement, respectively. The female/male sex ratio, as determined from emerged adults, was 1.4:1. Oviposition started an average of 11.9 (+/- 0.8) d after engorgement, and a mean of 6.701 eggs per female was deposited. A total of only 48% of the eggs enclosed after a mean incubation of 35 (+/- 1.1) d. Females converted 56% of their engorged weight into eggs and produced an average of 12,614 (+/- 2.0) eggs/g of engorged body weight. On the first day of oviposition, an egg less than 24 h old weighed an average of 44.8 (+/- 1.5) micrograms. Egg weight was significantly (P less than 0.01) lower during peak egg production (days 2-8 after onset of oviposition) than during reduced egg production (days 14-20 after onset of oviposition).

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