
INTRODUCTION Since the introduction of the organic arsenicals in the treatment of syphilis, great interest has been manifested in the study of the systemic reactions following the use of arsphenamin and neo-arsphenamin, as well as in the underlying causes of these reactions. A considerable literature has grown up on this subject — much of it of a controversial character. While considerable light has already been shed, many practical and important phases of the problem are still obscure. These studies were undertaken with the view of aiding in the clarification of this complicated subject. The literature concerning the earlier investigations need not be given in detail, as it has been reviewed by many writers. The more recent and meritorious studies of Danysz 1 are deserving of careful thought. In 1917 Danyzs published his ingenious precipitation hypothesis as an explanation of the causes of reactions following arsphenamin and neo-arsphenamin. He states: A short

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