
Starting from the second half of the fifteenth century, the design model that will characterize the so-called "modern" military architecture is perfected. Large is the repertoire of models produced by the illustrious figures such as Leon Battista Alberti, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Albrecht Dürer, Francesco di Giorgio Martini and the Sangallo family, to name a few of the most important. These are functional solutions to a new "art of war" that provides for the mutual protection of the ramparts through the crossfire of gunboats. The work of refining the design technique will continue and reach its peak around 1530 with the realization of works such as the bulwark Ardeatino in Rome by Antonio da Sangallo the Younger. In this period the figure of the military engineer trained on the battlefield and supported by the treaties, made available by the spread of the press, acquires importance. Among the most important specialists in the war scene of the second half of the sixteenth century, we mention Giomaria Olgiati, Giovan Battista Calvi, Jacopo Paleari Fratino and Tiburzio Spannocchi, trusted experts and superintendents of the fortresses of Philip II, king of Spain. Jacopo Paleari El fratin is responsible between 1558 and 1586 of numerous works that combine adaptation to the places, field experience and knowledge of the state of the art with the models indicated in the military treatise to define unique solutions and of great design and landscape quality. In his work is evident the reference to the treatise published in the 1564 by Girolamo Maggi and captain Castriotto, entitled "Della fortificatione della città". Forms, construction technique and architectural solutions as well as graphic representation, strictly, "alla soldatesca" (military axonometry) allow you to identify and recognize the signature of the designer, the traça of El fratin. The contribution proposes a first selection of works designed by Jacopo Paleari, in collaboration with his brother Giorgio, which highlight this peculiarity.

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