
espanolRESUMEN: El presente articulo busca crear una primera aproximacion psicoanalitica al relato de la expedicion de conquista que protagoniza Lope de Aguirre, enfocando particularmente su analisis en la Relacion de la jornada de Omagua y el Dorado de Pedrarias de Almesto (1562), recientemente publicada por Alvaro Baraibar (2012). Proponemos leer el relato dando enfasis a los aspectos relacionados con la transgresion de las diversas instancias de la Ley, lo cual nos llevara a identificar tres nudos psicoanaliticos: las resonancias miticas de la jornada, su estructuracion perversa y el rol de testigo complice en la figura del propio Almesto. Lo anterior nos ayudara a establecer una hipotesis sobre la amplia y contradictoria recepcion que ha tenido la jornada a mas de 400 anos y, ademas, nos permitira vincular este relato mitico con las raices coloniales de America Latina, cuestionando, incluso, algunos aspectos de la teoria psicoanalitica. EnglishABSTRACT: The following article proposes a preliminary approach to the account of the expedition carried out by Lope de Aguirre from a psychoanalytic perspective, mainly focusing in the recently published manuscript by Alvaro Baraibar (2012) Relacion de la Jornada de Omagua y el Dorado by Pedrarias de Almesto (1562). We propose read the account stressing the aspects related to “the law” and its many instances of transgressions, which will lead us to identify three psychoanalytic knots: the mythical resonances of the expedition, its perverse structuring and the accomplice witness’ role of Almesto himself. This will help us to establish a hypothesis on the wide-reaching and contradictory reception that this expedition has had for more than 400 years. In addition, it will help us connect this mythical account to the colonial roots of Latin America, even questioning some aspects of psychoanalytic theory.

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