
Segecin Moro, R., Staniski, A., Comin, M., de Franca Sakano T. A., Katu Pereira, T. 2018. The importante of the traditional agrosystem Faxinal to the southbrazilian forests conservation. Ecosistemas 27(3):4-13. Doi.: 10.7818/ECOS.1485 The Importance of the Traditional Agrosystem Faxinal to the Southbrazilian Forests Conservation. Faxinal is a traditional land organization form of production that withstand to agribusiness. It consists on the collective animal pasture within the Araucaria forest understory and the low impact in forestry management. These community forests compound some of the last preserved areas of the Atlantic Forest in the South Brazil Highlands, deserving the status of ARESUR - a controversial conservation unit not yet completely recognized that rewards the landowners for their commitment in forest preservation. Nevertheless, some authors argue that these efforts are useless once this management would not protect the forest integrity. Therefore, in order to comprove the importance of this agrosystem we have performed a phytosociological survey at six Faxinals and compared toa regional preserved mid understory at Acungui National Forest. It were identified 172 species (42 families). The major IVI were performed by Casearia species (decandra, obliqua, and sylvestris), Cinnamodendron dinisii, Podocarpus lambertii, Ilex paraguariensis, Matayba elaeagnoides, Ocotea odorifera, Eugenia pluriflora, Campomanesia xanthocarpa, Myrceugenia myrcioides, and Myrcia hatschbachii had the higher IVI. The comparative analysis has pointed that the vegetation at Faxinais are not different from the National Reserve one, in spite of some floristic divergences. We could conclude that the efforts to preserve the Faxinal community forests are consistent to the conservation strategies for the Atlantic Forest resilience.

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