
Semilinear stochastic partial differential equations on bounded domains {mathscr {D}} are considered. The semilinear term may have arbitrary polynomial growth as long as it is continuous and monotone except perhaps near the origin. Typical examples are the stochastic Allen–Cahn and Ginzburg–Landau equations. The first main result of this article are L^p-estimates for such equations. The L^p-estimates are subsequently employed in obtaining higher regularity. This is motivated by ongoing work to obtain rate of convergence estimates for numerical approximations to such equations. It is shown, under appropriate assumptions, that the solution is continuous in time with values in the Sobolev space H^2({mathscr {D}}') and ell ^2-integrable with values in H^3({mathscr {D}}'), for any compact {mathscr {D}}' subset {mathscr {D}}. Using results from L^p-theory of SPDEs obtained by Kim (Stoch Proc Appl 112:261–283, 2004) we get analogous results in weighted Sobolev spaces on the whole {mathscr {D}}. Finally it is shown that the solution is Hölder continuous in time of order frac{1}{2} - frac{2}{q} as a process with values in a weighted L^q-space, where q arises from the integrability assumptions imposed on the initial condition and forcing terms.


  • The aim of this article is to obtain L p-estimates and regularity of solutions to the semilinear stochastic partial differential equation (SPDE)dut = (Lt ut + ft + ft0)dt + (Mtk ut + gtk )d Wtk on [0, T ] × D k∈N (1)ut = 0 on ∂D, u0 = φ on D, where d dLt u := ∂ j ati j ∂i u + bti ∂i u + ct u and Mtk u := σtik ∂i u + μkt u.j=1 i=1 i =1 i =1 (2)Here D is a bounded domain in Rd and W k are independent Wiener processes

  • The main aim of this article is to obtain regularity results for the solutions to the SPDE (1). This is motivated by ongoing work to obtain rate of convergence estimates for numerical approximations to such equations

  • The main novelty of this article is in allowing arbitrary dimension of D and growth of the semilinear term, see Theorem 1

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The aim of this article is to obtain L p-estimates and regularity of solutions to the semilinear stochastic partial differential equation (SPDE). The main novelty of this article is in allowing arbitrary dimension of D and growth of the semilinear term, see Theorem 1 This is achieved by using the monotonicity property of the semilinear term and a cutting argument to obtain the required L pestimate. Once these have been established we obtain new spatial regularity results for the SPDE (1), these are both interior regularity and up-to-the-boundary regularity in weighed Sobolev spaces, see Theorems 2 and 5. We have a new time regularity result (in weighted space again), see Theorem 6 These effectively say that under appropriate assumptions the SPDE (1) has two additional derivatives. The main results and required assumptions are stated at the beginning of each section

Lp-estimates for the semilinear equation
Interior regularity
Regularity in weighted spaces using Lp-theory and time regularity
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