
67 Previously we found that chronic hyperinsulinemia does not cause hypertension without sugar supplementation. An explanation may be insulin’s nitric oxide (NO) mediated vasodilation. To test this hypothesis we studied 4 groups of rats: INS (n=9) treated by a gradual increase of a subcutaneous insulin pellet; LNM (n=9) treated by L-NAME, 50mg/l in drinking water; INM (n=19) treated by the combination of insulin+L-NAME; and controls(CON)(n=9). Systolic blood pressure (SBP), was (mean±SD) by week 3, 122±17, 118±17, 118±24 mmHg in the CON, LNM, INS and 136±14 mmHg in the INM p≤0.03. By week 6, SBP was 128±14, 127±15, 118±13 mmHg in CON, LNM, INS and, 150±14 mmHg in the INM respectively p≤0.0005. Body weight was not affected. Excretion of urinary NO metabolites (NO x ) (μmol/24h) was 21.6±2.5, and 24.3±2.9, in CON and INS, ,and 13.9±1.2, and 16.6±1.7 p≤0.05, in INS, and LNM respectively. Insulin levels were doubled 534±66, and 654±60pmol/l in INS and INM, vs 270±18, and 264±50 pmol/l in CON, and LNM by week 6. There was no hypoglycemia and fructosamine levels were comparable. Urinary norepinephrine (nmol/24h) was lower in LNM 5.8±1.8 vs CON 8.8±1.3, p≤0.05. In a subsequent experiment rats treated by both insulin+L-NAME as above received L-arginine 2g/l in drinking water, either from day 1 INMARG (n=12), or from day 30 INMAR30 (n=9), INM (n=4) and L-arginine ARG(n=4) served as controls. By week 4, SBP was 156±12, and 160±10 mmHg in INM and INMARG30 vs 126±26, and 132±18mmHg in ARG and INMARG p≤0.03. By week 8 SBP was 165±15 in INM, and 141±10, 116±24, 132±13 mmHg in INMARG, ARG, and INMARG30 respectively,p≤0.005. Urinary NO x (μmol/24h) were higher in ARG, and INMARG 23.7±3.7, and 19.2±3.8, p≤0.005 vs 14.5±6.5, and 13.2±5.2 in INM and INMARG30 respectively. Urinary norepinephrine was not affected. In both experiments food and water intake, urine volume, creatinine clearance and urinary Na + excretion were also not affected . In conclusion whereas hyperinsulinemia does not cause hypertension it does so when endothelial function is compromised. This effect reflects action of NOS as it is reversible and preventable with L-arginine.

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