
The concept of izzet in the Qur'an is addressed in both positive and negative contexts, encompassing two main meanings. The first refers to the exalted and true izzet attributed to Allah, His Messenger, and the believers; the second refers to the condemned false izzet associated with disbelievers, hypocrites, and polytheists. The term izzet appears in eleven instances in the Qur'an and, including its related verbal and nominal forms, occurs in a total of 110 verses. Among these, the attribute "Aziz" is mentioned in 99 verses, denoting Allah’s majesty and His supremacy over all things. In a few verses, izzet is also used in the sense of condemned arrogance and pride associated with disbelievers. This article aims to analyze the different meanings of the concept of izzet as it appears in the Qur'an, exploring both its linguistic and terminological definitions. It examines izzet’s etymological roots, its usage in classical Arabic dictionaries, and how it conveys different meanings depending on the context of the Qur'anic verses. Additionally, the study highlights the distinction between the positive izzet attributed to Allah, His Messenger, and the believers, and the negative izzetassociated with the arrogance and stubbornness of disbelievers and hypocrites. For believers, izzet is seen as a high moral quality, symbolizing loyalty and submission to Allah. Conversely, when izzet is combined with arrogance and pride, it becomes a condemned trait in the Qur'an. This study aims to elucidate the depth and breadth of the concept of izzet within the Qur'anic context, providing insight into how believers should properly understand and embody this concept. Key Words: Tafsir, Quran, Quranic Concepts, Praised Honor, Blamed Honor

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