
Reading is a complex and difficult cognitive activity which involves acquiring reading comprehension skills. The teacher’s task is to support students in this process. The article analyses selected opportunities how it can be done. An interesting area investigated by psychologists is the role of working memory in the effectiveness of reading. While there is agreement on the existence of such a dependence, there is no certainty that it is possible to shape it and if so, to what extent. The second task the teacher has to face is to present various strategies helpful in reading comprehension. While the strategies mentioned in this text are the subject of considerations of many authors, the role of metacognitive strategies is worth paying attention to. Supporting the ability to control own learning process, organisation of this process and evaluation of the obtained results, refers not only to learning reading, but also to the quality of learning in general. The last factor necessary for reading comprehension raised in this text is motivation. Developing motivation to read is not an easy task, but it can be achieved in many different ways.

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