
ENGLISH SUMMARYLangseth H. Cancer risk in Norwegian pulp and paper workers. Nor J Epidemiol 2001; 11 (2): 187-192.Results from a historical prospective cohort study on Norwegian pulp and paper workers showed a significantincrease in risk of lung cancer, pleural mesothelioma, colon cancer and malignant melanomas amongmen, compared to the Norwegian population. The risk of lung cancer was highest among sulphite millworkers. The risk of pleural mesothelioma was highest among maintenance workers with asbestos exposure.Most of the increased risk in lung cancer can be explained by a combination of smoking habits andasbestos use, although an effect of other work-related exposures (sulfur and chloride compounds, wooddust) cannot be excluded. Among the female part of the cohort we found a significant excess in risk ofovarian cancer. The risk was highest among those younger than 55 years, and mostly among those workingin paper departments. Relatively little is known about the causes of ovarian cancer, but it is howeverknown that 5-7% can be explained by hereditary factors. Furthermore, fertility pattern plays a role.Asbestos and talc, which both have been used in the pulp and paper industry, are occupational and environmentalagents, discussed as possible carcinogens for ovarian cancer.


  • Results from a historical prospective cohort study on Norwegian pulp and paper workers showed a significant increase in risk of lung cancer, pleural mesothelioma, colon cancer and malignant melanomas among men, compared to the Norwegian population

  • Formålet med studien var å kartlegge om ansatte i norsk papir- og celluloseindustri hadde økt risiko for å utvikle kreft generelt, og spesielt i luftveier, fordøyelsesorganer og lymfe/bloddannende organer

  • Forventningsverdier (Forv.), Standardisert insidensrate (SIR)-verdier og 95% konfidensintervaller (95% KI) er gitt for ansatt kortere enn tre år og ansatt 3 år eller mer

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Cancer risk in Norwegian pulp and paper workers. Results from a historical prospective cohort study on Norwegian pulp and paper workers showed a significant increase in risk of lung cancer, pleural mesothelioma, colon cancer and malignant melanomas among men, compared to the Norwegian population. En rekke internasjonale studier har kartlagt kreftrisiko, og en økt risiko for lungekreft, brysthinnekreft, kreft i fordøyelsesorganer og lymfe/bloddannende organer har vært assosiert med eksponeringer i denne industrien. Bruken av asbest har vært assosiert med økt risiko for brysthinnekreft blant papir- og cellulosearbeidere. Studier har også vist økt risiko for kreft i lymfesystmet ved arbeid i ulike deler av denne industrien [11,12]. Formålet med studien var å kartlegge om ansatte i norsk papir- og celluloseindustri hadde økt risiko for å utvikle kreft generelt, og spesielt i luftveier, fordøyelsesorganer og lymfe/bloddannende organer. Beskrivelse av kohorten, materialet og resultatene fra den foreliggende studien er diskutert i større bredde tidligere [13,14]

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