
This study aims to determine how it should be the competence of human resources of Islamic banking is based on the principles of Islamic Shariah. This study uses a phenomenological approach oriented qualitative descriptive. The technique of collecting data using interviews, participant observation, and study. Human resource competencies Islamic banking is based on the principles of Islamic law, the ability to modify banking products, also understand the contracts sharia combined with the principles of Islamic law includes not burdensome, reduce the burden, the determination of the law periodically, pay attention to the benefit, as well as equality and justice. With the principles of Islamic sharia combined with the ability to modify banking products, also understand the syariah contracts, the target growth in market share of Islamic banks can be achieved in accordance with expectations.The results of this study are the competence of human resources at BNI Syariah Surakarta at the level of the manager is good, supported by higher education, training a lot, as well as experience. While at the employee level still needs a lot of attention, because the level of education there are still low, still a little training, and experience is not adequate. Keywords: Competence of Human Resources, Islamic Bank, Principles of Islamic Sharia


  • The results of this study are the competence of human resources at BNI Syariah Surakarta at the level of the manager is good, supported by higher education, training a lot, as well as experience

  • While at the employee level still needs a lot of attention, because the level of education there are still low, still a little training, and experience is not adequate

  • Warkum, Asas-asas Perbankan Syariah dan Lembaga-lembaga Terkait: Bamui dan Takaful

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Sehingga pengalaman ini yang menjadikan para manajer di BNI

Surakarta mampu memodifikasi produk-produk perbankan, serta memahami kontrakkontrak syariah yang dikombinasi dengan prinsip-prinsip syariah Islam. Peneliti melihat serta melakukan wawancara secara langsung khususnya bagian customer servis dan karyawan bagian kredit, ternyata mereka sebagian besar masih lemah di dalam memahami produk-produk syariah itu sendiri, terlebih pemahaman masalah prinsip-prinsip syariah. Pendidikan di tingkat karyawan ternyata tidak semuanya lulusan perguruan tinggi, sehingga tingkat pemahaman terhadap produk-produk perbankan syariah masih sangat minim, walaupun ditemukan pula beberapa karyawan yang pendidikan tinggi tapi juga belum memahami secara maksimal. 2) Pelatihan Pelatihan pada tingkat karyawan masih sangat minim, hal ini tentunya menyebabkan tambah lemahnya karyawan di dalam memahami produk maupun prinsip syariah itu sendiri. Dengan prinsip-prinsip syariah Islam dikombinasikan dengan kemampuan dalam memodifikasi produk-produk perbankan, serta memahami kontrak-kontrak syariah tersebut, maka target pertumbuhan pangsa pasar bank syariah dapat tercapai sesuai dengan target yang diharapkan

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