
The dissolution rate of sapphire in melts in the CAS system of varying silica activity, viscosity and degree of alumina saturation has been determined at 1600 °C and 1.5 GPa. After an initiation period of up to 1800 s, dissolution is controlled by diffusion of cations through the boundary layer adjacent to the dissolving sapphire. The dissolution rate decreases with increasing silica activity, viscosity and molar Al2O3/CaO. The calculated diffusion matrix for each solvent melt shows that CAS 1 and 9 which have molar Al2O3/CaO of 0.33 and 0.6 and dissolution rate constants of 0.65 × 10−6 and 0.59 × 10−6 m/s0.5 have similar directions and magnitudes of diffusive coupling: DCaO-Al2O3 and DAl2O3-CaO are both negative are approximately equal. The solvent with the fastest dissolution rate: CAS 4, which has a rate constant of 1.5 × 10−6 m/s0.5 and Al2O3/CaO of 0.31 has positive DCaO-Al2O3 and negative DAl2O3-CaO and the absolute values vary by a factor of 4. Although many studies show that aluminium is added to the melts via the reaction:Si4+=Al3++0.5Ca2+the compositional profiles show that this reaction is not the only one involved in accommodating the aluminium added during sapphire dissolution. Rather, aluminium is incorporated as both tetrahedrally coordinated Al charge balanced by Ca and as aluminium not charge balanced by Ca (termed Alxs). This reaction:AlIV–Ca=Alxs+CaNBOwhere CaNBO is a non-bridging oxygen associated with calcium, may involve the formation of aluminium triclusters. The shape of the compositional profiles and oxide-oxide composition paths is controlled by the aluminium addition reaction. When Alxs exceeds 2%, CaO diffusion becomes increasingly anomalous and since the bond strength of Alxs correlates with CaO/CaO + Al2O3, the presence of more than 2% Alxs leads to significantly slower dissolution than when Alxs is absent or at low concentration. Thus, dissolution is controlled by diffusion of cations through the boundary layer, but this diffusion is itself controlled by the structural modifications required by the addition of new components to the melt. Comparison of quartz dissolution rates in similar melts shows that dissolution is much faster for quartz than for sapphire and that dissolution rates show the same correlation with silica activity and viscosity. We suggest that diffusive fluxes are related to changes in melt structure and the nature of the reaction that incorporates the added component. For the slow eigendirection, SiO2 addition occurs by a single reaction whereas Al2O3 addition requires a more complex two part reaction in which Al is accommodated by charge balance with Ca until Al is in excess of that which can be charge balanced. The Alxs incorporation reaction, is slower than the Si incorporation reaction which inhibits sapphire dissolution relative to quartz in melts of the same composition.

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