
Karawang Regency is an area of rice production center which will be a model for supply chain studies in this research. This study aims to determine the condition of the rice supply chain, determine the performance of the rice supply chain, and formulate efforts to improve the performance of the rice supply chain. The method used is the Food Supply Chain Network (FSCN) and Supply Chain Operation Network (SCOR) approaches. Based on the results of research members of the rice supply chain starts from farmers, traders, and rice mills. The value of performance metrics for farmers that are still not in line with expectations include the metric for orders delivered in full, perfect conditions, production costs, ranges of debt and receivables payments. Obtained several factors causing ineffective and inefficient performance of the rice supply chain in Karawang regency in each supply chain actor. Factors affecting farmers are the high cost of farming and the long range of payment of receivables can be overcome by increasing knowledge and application of technological developments and agricultural machinery, and strengthening the function of farmer groups. Factors affecting collecting traders are the low value of suitability of procurement flexibility. Factors affecting the low performance of rice milling are procurement flexibility and shipping flexibility. Keywords: effort to improve the performance, paddy, performance measurement, SCOR, supply chain


  • Karawang Regency is an area of rice production center which will be a model for supply chain studies in this research

  • This study aims to determine the condition of the rice supply chain, determine the performance of the rice supply chain, and formulate efforts to improve the performance of the rice supply chain

  • Based on the results of research members of the rice supply chain starts from farmers, traders, and rice mills

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Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kabupaten Karawang Provinsi Jawa Barat. Waktu pengumpulan data dimulai pada bulan Januari hingga Maret 2019. Pertimbangan pemilihan lokasi penelitian dan penentuan responden penggilingan padi dilakukan secara sengaja (purposive). Pemilihan responden pedagang pengumpul dan petani untuk menganalisis kondisi rantai pasok beras dilakukan dengan teknik snowball sampling dengan menelusuri saluran rantai pasok beras di lokasi penelitian berdasarkan informasi yang diperoleh dari anggota rantai pasok sebelumnya. Setiap Kecamatan diambil sebanyak dua penggilingan padi, empat orang pedagang pengumpul, dan enam orang petani, dengan total responden sebanyak 36 sampel, sehingga dapat menggambarkan kondisi rantai pasok beras di Kabupaten Karawang. Hipotesis dari penelitian ini yaitu ditemukannya masalah terhadap rantai pasok beras yang sudah terjadi di Kabupaten Karawang. Teknik pengolahan data dan metode analisis data pada penelitian ini melalui tahapan Analisis deskriptif untuk menggambarkan kondisi rantai pasok beras menggunakan kerangka Food Supply Chain Network (FSCN). Perumusan upaya peningkatan kinerja rantai pasok dengan langkah: analisis kesenjangan (gap analysis), analisis masalah rantai pasok (diagram tulang ikan), dan menyusun upaya peningkatan kinerja

Kondisi Rantai Pasok Beras
Pedagang pengumpul
Penggilingan padi
Kondisi rantai pasok beras di Kabupaten Karawang
Pemilihan mitra
Kesepakatan kontraktual
Sumber daya teknologi
Sumber daya manusia
Sumber daya modal
Sumber daya fisik
Aliran produk
Aliran finansial
Aliran informasi
Anggota rantai pendukung
Jaminan identitas merek
Aspek risiko
Proses membangun kepercayaan
Perhitungan Kinerja Rantai Pasok Beras
Analisis kesenjangan
Analisis masalah
Implikasi Manajerial
Peggilingan padi
Full Text
Paper version not known

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