
Structural mapping, strain analysis, and a variety of geochronological studies were carried out to determine the tectonothermal evolution of the Salem-Attur shear zone in the Southern Granulite terrane of South India. The Salem-Namakkal blocks containing the shear zone consisted of quartzofeldspathic gneiss, charnockite and mafic granulite, and had undergone multiple phases of magmatism spanning over a period of 3.2–0.5 Ga. The rocks were deformed by four phases of deformation D1–D4. The D1 deformation was characterized by isoclinal and recumbent NE-SW trending F1 fold with a pervasive subhorizontal axial planar granulitic fabric, S1, and associated quartzofeldspathic leucosomes. Granulite metamorphism was dated at ca. 2.5–2.3 Ga. The F1 fold and S1 fabric were coaxially refolded by tight to isoclinal, upright to steeply inclined NE-SW trending F2 folds during D2 deformation. The D2 deformation was associated with F2 axial planar shear zones, crenulations and leucosomes, S2 fabric. Large-scale D2 shear zones characterized by high-temperature ductile shear fabric with a vertical flow host syntectonic syenite pluton which was dated at ca. 2.5–2.4 Ga. A P-T condition of 7 kb/600 °C was inferred for the D2 deformation. The D3 deformation was characterized by NW-SE to E-W trending F3 folds and the Salem-Attur shear zone. The shear zone was a greenschist to amphibolite facies shear zone being characterized by mylonitic foliation and dominantly down-dip stretching lineation defined by quartz, biotite and hornblende minerals and dated at ca. 2.0 Ga. It indicated N-NNE vergence of thrusting with the mean kinematic vorticity number, Wm, as 0.7 suggesting general simple shear strain with 50% pure shear component. The D4 deformation was manifested as NNE-SSW striking strike-slip faults and NW-SE striking extensional normal faults. Pseudotachylite veins having an age of 1.9 Ga injected during strike-slip faulting and granite-pegmatite veins showing age of 0.8–0.5 Ga intruded during normal faulting. The Salem-Namakkal blocks thus recorded a long-lived shearing history. We suggest that the Salem-Attur shear zone and other shear zones such as Palghat-Cauvery, Moyar, Bhavani, Karur-Kambam-Painavu-Trichur and Achankovil shear zones, were Paleoproterozoic intraterrane shear zones which were overprinted by Meso-Neoproterozoic-Cambrian ductile and brittle deformations.

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