
This article aims to parse and identify the participation of citizens in handling the coronavirus pandemic in Indonesia. This article tries to “unfold” an overview of the relationship between citizenship studies and health. This research was conducted by a qualitative approach and descriptive design. Collecting data were obtained by using observation, documents study, interview, and literature study technique that was held on during January until Mei 2020. The data obtained were then analyzed by an interactive model. The research result shows that citizen has a central rule for handling the spread of corona virus. Citizen participation for handling COVID-19 conducted by educating people about coronavirus and COVID-19, and preventive measures. Another participation form is direct philanthropy action. Citizen participation for handling COVID-19 in Indonesia. Categories Level of citizen participation in Indonesia is the degree of citizen power. Urgent to develop synergy between state and citizen to improve the highest standard, comprehensive, and sustainable health.


  • Abstract: this study aimed to parse and identify the participation of citizens in handling the coronavirus pandemic in Indonesia

  • The results showed that citizens had a central role in handling the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19)

  • Diambil dari https://www.who.int/publications-detail/ home-care-for-patients-with-suspectednovel-corona virus-(ncov)-infectionpresenting-with-mild-symptoms-andmanagement-of-contacts World Health Organization

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Abstract: this study aimed to parse and identify the participation of citizens in handling the coronavirus pandemic in Indonesia. Kategori tingkat partisipasi warga dalam penanganan pandemi COVID-19 di Indonesia adalah partisipasi degree of citizen power pada tingkat partnership. Pada masa pandemi COVID-19 di Indonesia, menarik sekali untuk mempertanyakan urgensi dan bagaimana bentuk partisipasi warga memutus penyebaran corona virus. Sehingga perlu dipahami bahwa penelitian yang dilakukan ini memosisikan pada bagaimana partisipasi warga dalam relasi studi kewarganegaraan dan kesehatan. Bersandar pada uraian-uraian di atas, artikel ini bertujuan “membentangkan” hasil penelitian dengan tajuk partisipasi warga dalam penanganan pandemi COVID-19. Sumber data primer dalam penelitian ini adalah (a) pengamatan, seperti hasil pengamatan secara langsung dan tidak langsung yang dilakukan aktivitas dan kebiasaan warga dalam konteks keterlibatan dalam penanganan COVID-19; (b) dokumentasi, seperti peraturan perundang-undangan; protokol kesehatan oleh WHO, dan berita cetak maupun online, diskusi dalam podcast, video blog, televisi, radio dan platform lainya; dan (c) wawancara dengan komunitas atau community social organization (CSO). Terakhir conclution drawing and verification, yaitu penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi (Emriz, 2011; Sugiyono, 2009b)

Partisipasi Membentuk Kebiasaan Bersih dan Sehat
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