
A widely used method for analyzing river flow for flood forecasts is hydrograph unit. The hydrograph unit is a direct runoff hydrograph that can be created when there are AWLR record data, debit measurements and rainfall data. Synthetic Unit Hydrograph (SUH) is a unit hydrograph derived based on river data in the same watershed or nearby watershed but has the same characteristics, ie HSS Gama I, HSS Nakayasu, Limasan HSS, HSS Snyder and HSS SCS. Of the two hydrographs, there will be suitability of the hydrograph form that is going to be made. Sub territory of Pedindang River Basin has four flood incidents, namely, date 23-24 February 2016; March 2-3, 2016; March 3-4, 2016; and date 5-6 March 2016. In the analysis of each flood event, the peak discharge of synthetic unit hydrograph is very different from the peak discharge of the measured unit hydrograph. The average peak discharge of synthetic unit hydrograph occurs in the range of 2 or 3 hours, while the measured unit hydrograph of Pedindang River occurs in the range of 7 or 8 hours. In four flood events it is stated that, HSS Gama I approaches RMSE value (validation <10%) to HST form of Pedindang River with value: RMSE incidence I (23,601%); RMSE incidence II (16.315%); RMSE incidence III (50,400%); RMSE incidence IV (22.322%). With this result, it is stated that there is no synthetic unit hydrograph model that has compatibility with the measured unit hydrograph of Pedindang River.


  • PENDAHULUAN Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) adalah suatu wilayah daratan yang secara topografik dibatasi oleh punggungpunggung gunung yang menampung dan menyimpan air hujan untuk kemudian menyalurkan ke laut melalui sungai utama (Asdak, 2014)

  • Flooding can be caused by the inability of the river to accommodate the flow

  • of water that passes through the river

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Persamaan Lengkung Debit

Soewarno (2013) menyatakan kurva lengkung debit dapat dihitung dengan metode logaritmik, dengan persamaan umum berikut: dengan: Q =debit (m3/d). Semua data pengukuran debit digambarkan pada kertas grafik logaritmik. Q3 dari kurva lengkung debitnya, dan harga Q2 ditentukan dari persamaan ratarata geometris sebagai berikut: Penentuan harga H0 dapat ditentukan dengan tiga cara, yaitu coba-ulang (tial and eror), aritmatik dan grafis. Untuk penelitian ini harga H0 ditentukan dengan metode aritmatik dengan persamaan sebagai berikut: H0

H3 2H2
Pengukuran Tampang Sungai
Menetukan nilai K dan n
24 Februari 2016
Kesesuaian Hidrograf Satuan Sintetik Dengan Terukur
Kejadian Banjir 23-24 Februari
Kejadian Banjir 5-6 Maret 2016 Tabel 8 Hasil nilai RMSE kejadian banjir IV
Dari keempat kejadian banjir Sungai Pedindang tidak diperoleh nilai
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