
Based on the regulations as arranged in the Public Service Law, in case of legal disputes or lawsuits concerning public service, the settlement can be reached in two ways, namely by mediation and adjudication of a verdict, and secondly, this legal effort can be made or initiated by a so-called Ombudsman. The adjudication process subsequently yields a verdict or sentence that is bound to lead to contradiction as the Ombudsman is not a legal institution and this is not a quasi-administrative judicial process either, for the outcome of the Ombudsman’s investigation comes in the shape of a mere recommendation, and this cannot be regarded as a proper verdict pronounced by an official judge. Based on the regulations as stated in the Public Service Law and the Ombudsman Law as well as the regulations for their execution the adjucatory verdict reached by the Ombudsman, the force of this binding decision or sentence cannot be considered final and binding as such because it only qualifies as a recommendation. Given the fact that the judicial verdict made by the Ombudsman in the settlement of lawsuits regarding Public Service comes in the shape of a recommendation, further legal efforts can be made in accordance with the existing regulations whose mechanism is similar to that of administrative appeals that culminate in imposing sanctions and publication in the media to expose the case in question.


  • Abstrak Berdasarkan ketentuan yang diatur dalam Undang-undang Pelayanan Publik, apabila terjadi sengketa akibat pelayanan publik maka penyelesaian sengketa tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan dua cara, yaitu melalui mediasi dan putusan ajudikasi yang kedua upaya hukum ini dilakukan oleh atau atas inisiatif Ombudsman

  • the settlement can be reached in two ways

  • The adjudication process subsequently yields a verdict or sentence that is bound to lead to contradiction as the Ombudsman is

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Abstrak Berdasarkan ketentuan yang diatur dalam Undang-undang Pelayanan Publik, apabila terjadi sengketa akibat pelayanan publik maka penyelesaian sengketa tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan dua cara, yaitu melalui mediasi dan putusan ajudikasi yang kedua upaya hukum ini dilakukan oleh atau atas inisiatif Ombudsman. Terhadap putusan ajudikasi Ombudsman dalam penyelesaian sengketa pelayanan publik, karena bentuknya adalah rekomendasi, maka sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku dapat dilakukan upaya hukum lebih lanjut, yang mekanismenya serupa dengan upaya administrasi (administratief beroep) yang berujung pada penjatuhan sanksi administrasi dan publikasi media akan hal ini.

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