Keeping your senescent cells under control
It has been shown that the SASP can have pro-tumorigenic effects
The authors propose a new concept indicating that miRs 146a and b function in a negative feedback loop preventing an over-activation of the SASP in senescent cells
The authors present some initial data suggesting that activation of this negative feedback loop involves IL-1 receptor, IRAK-1, and NFκB signalling leading to an up-regulation of miRs-146a and b
It has been shown that the SASP can have pro-tumorigenic effects. In an experimental system it was shown that senescent mesenchymal cells can enhance the tumorigenicity of surrounding breast cancer cells [13]. Ii) it is possible that the SASP enhances selection of transformed cell clones in aged organ systems. It remains to be seen whether aberrant secretion of cytokines and growth factors by the SASP can accelerated this process in aged and chronically damage organ systems.
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