
(Dry matter and organic matter digestibility and fiber degradability in feed by tannin and saponin supplementation)ABSTRACT. The study was conducted to assess the effect of the addition of tannins, saponin and their combinations on the feed, as defaunation agent in the dry matter and organic matter digestibility and ADF, NDF degradability. The study used an experimental method with a completely randomized design. The treatments were T0 : feed without supplementation; T1: feed supplementation with 1,2% saponin; T2 : feed with supplemetation combined of 0,5% tannin and 0,9% saponin; T3 : feed with supplementation combined of 1,0% tannin and 0,6% saponin; T4 : feed with supplementation combined of 1,5% tannin and 0,3% saponin and T5 : feed with supplementation with 2% tannins. The result showed that DMD and OMD increased with treatment added combination of tannin and saponin. The best result for DMD and OMD in combination of 1,5% tannin and 0,3% saponin. Degradability of ADF and NDF was decreased on the supplemented feed. The addition of a combination of tannins and saponins in the feed at dose of 1% tannin and 0.6% saponin showed the best result that increased of DMD and OMD and give good value on NDF and ADF degradability.


  • The study was conducted to assess the effect of the addition of tannins

  • feed with supplemetation combined of 0,5% tannin

  • feed with supplementation combined of 1,0% tannin

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Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan September 2013-Maret 2014. Sapi peranakan Ongole berjenis kelamin betina dewasa berfistula digunakan pada penelitian ini. Cairan rumen yang digunakan merupakan cairan komposit yang diperoleh dari rumen sapi yang diberi ransum dengan perbandingan konsentrat dan hijauan = 40:60. Komposisi konsentrat terdiri dari dedak, onggok, jagung, kulit kopi, bungkil kelapa, bungkil sawit, molases, urea dan garam. Ransum diberikan dua kali dalam sehari dengan jumlah total pemberian dibatasi sebanyak 3% dari bobot badan. Cairan rumen diambil pada pagi hari, kemudian disaring dan dimasukkan termos yang sudah diberi air hangat sebelumnya sampai suhu 39°C ditutup untuk menjaga suasana anaerob dan dibawa ke laboratorium untuk dilakukan penelitian. Komposisi kimia pakan perlakuan tersaji pada Tabel 1. Kecernaan Bahan Kering dan Bahan Organik dan Degradabilitas Serat pada Pakan yang Disuplementasi ...

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