
After the looting and destruction of forest land in the Merubetiri National Park area were effortS to restore the area to its original condition. Various efforts were made involving the community in the rehabilitation of Meru Betiri National Park land. One indicator of the success of land rehabilitation is increasing biodiversity. The purpose of this study was to determine biodiversity in the rehabilitation area of Meru Betiri National Park. The method used uses a 100-200 m striped line combination at each location for vegetation data collection. Vegetation analysis by calculating type frequency, species density, species dominance, important value index, species diversity index, species richness index and distribution pattern. The results showed that there were 14 types of vegetation in 11 families in 4 common observation plots and jackfruit plants (Artocarpus heterophyllus) and showed adaptability and these plants were needed by the community. Based on the results of the study, the INP value of the Wonoasri plot was 103.27% Pete (Parkia speciosa), Bonangan plot was Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) of 154.18%, Donglo plot of Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) was 133.22%, and Jackfruit Pletes (Artocarpus heterophyllus) of 262.41%. For this reason, it is necessary to do new types of enhancements and compaction of spacing on each rehabilitation plot so that the value of diversity and species richness can increase, so that the success of rehabilitation can be seen.


  • Pasca penjarahan dan perusakan lahan hutan pada Kawasan Taman Nasional Merubetiri (TNMB) di era reformasi tahun 1998, dilakukan upaya pengembalian kawasan ke kondisi semula (Aliadi, 2010; BPPTPDAS, 2016; 2017)

  • The results showed that there were 14 types of vegetation in 11 families in 4 common observation plots and jackfruit plants (Artocarpus heterophyllus) and showed adaptability and these plants were needed by the community

  • Pihak Taman nasional Meru Betiri untuk bisa melakukan penambahan jenis baru serta pemadatan jarak tanam pada setiap plotnya agar nilai keanekaragaman dan kekayaan jenis dapat meningkat

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Pasca penjarahan dan perusakan lahan hutan pada Kawasan Taman Nasional Merubetiri (TNMB) di era reformasi tahun 1998, dilakukan upaya pengembalian kawasan ke kondisi semula (Aliadi, 2010; BPPTPDAS, 2016; 2017). Pemenuhan prinsip perbaikan ekosistem pada lahan rehabilitasi menjadi salahsatu hal yang penting dari tujuan kegiatan di lahan rehabilitasi tidak hanya semata-mata untuk menata, memulihkan, dan memperbaiki lahan dan vegetasi yang rusak untuk dapat berfungsi kembali sesuai peruntukannya saja, tetapi juga harus mampu memperbaiki dan memulihkan komposisi jenis dan struktur komunitas ekosistem hutan tersebut (Mc Donald, et al, 2016; Kusmana dan Melyanti, 2017). Kegiatan di lahan rehabilitasi TNMB belum diketahui dengan pasti dampak dari program ini terhadap komposisi jenis dan struktur vegetasi di Taman Nasional Meru Betiri. Berdasarkan uraian tersebut, tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui menganalisis tingkat keanekaragaman dan kekayaan jenis pada lahan rehabilitasi pasca kegiatan rehabilitasi berserta implikasi kebijakannya. Lahan rehabilitasi ini pada awalnya merupakan lahan pasca penjarahan kawasan hutan dalam pangkuan TNMB yang dilakukan upaya penenaman tanaman keras atau pohon.

Hasil penelitian
13 Artocarpus altilis Sukun
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