
We consider optimality systems of Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) type, which arise, for example, as primal-dual conditions characterizing solutions of optimization problems or variational inequalities. In particular, we discuss error bounds and Newton-type methods for such systems. An exhaustive comparison of various regularity conditions which arise in this context is given. We obtain a new error bound under an assumption which we show to be strictly weaker than assumptions previously used for KKT systems, such as quasi-regularity or semistability (equivalently, the R0-property). Error bounds are useful, among oth- er things, for identifying active constraints and developing efficient local algorithms. We propose a family of local Newton-type algorithms. This family contains some known active-set Newton methods, as well as some new methods. Regularity conditions required for local superlinear convergence compare favorably with convergence conditions of nonsmooth Newton methods and sequential quadratic programming methods.

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