
<p><strong>Abstrak</strong>. Pasca penambangan timah menyisakan sebagian berupa lahan pasir tailing yang mempunyai tekstur pasir dengan proporsi fraksi pasir >80%, debu dan liat keduanya <20%. Lahan ini merupakan lahan sangat miskin bahan organik dan hara, sukar menyimpan air, sulit merehabilitasinya karena memerlukan input tinggi. Tulisan ini membahas karakteristik dan dinamika hara tanah pada lahan bekas tambang timah serta teknik pendekatan rehabilitasi lahan tepat guna menanggulangi faktor pembatas lahan pasir tailing timah agar mampu menghasilkan produk berupa komoditas pertanian. Sampai saat ini tanah mineral liat dan bahan organik merupakan bahan yang secara ekonomis murah dan secara teknis mudah dilakukan. Memperbaiki kemampuannya menyimpan hara dan air merupakan kunci keberhasilan merehabilitasi lahan pasir tailing timah. Pendekatan inilah yang seharusnya menjadi pedoman umum dalam merehabilitasi lahan pasir tailing timah untuk dijadikan lahan pertanian</p><p><strong>Abstract</strong>. Post tin mining leaves a portion in the form of tailings sand which has a sand texture with a proportion of sand fraction >80%, both silt and clay <20%. This land is a very poor of organic matter and nutrients, it is difficult to store water. Therefore to rehabilitate it is very difficult and high input is needed. This paper examines the characteristic and dynamics of soil nutrients in abandoned tin-mining area and the appropriate land rehabilitation techniques to overcome the limiting factor for tin tailings sand to be ability and can produce agricultural commodity products. Clay soil mineral and organic material is a material that is economically inexpensive and technically easy to do. Improving its ability to store nutrients and water is the key to the success of rehabilitating tin tailings sand fields. This approach should be a general guideline in rehabilitating tin tailings sand land to be used as agricultural land.</p>

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