
Introduction: Relapse pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is a TB patient who has previously received TB treatment, and has been declared cured or complete treatment, was re-diagnosed with positive smear TB based on swab examination or culture. In Indonesia there are many cases of repeat treatment. 70% of them are relapse cases. So that research on the characteristics of pulmonary TB patients relapse is important. Method: This research is a cross sectional descriptive study where the source of the data comes from secondary data, namely medical records of patients with pulmonary TB patients relapse in pulmonary outpatient clinics at Sanglah General Hospital period May 2017 until September 2018.Result: The results of this study showed that there were 40 patients proven to have pulmonary TB relapse. Most of the patients have ages of 50 to 59 years (25.0%), male sex (55.0%), last education in high school (57.5%), as many as 27.5% of them work as entrepreneurs and 27.5% do not work , the range of BMI in relapse pulmonary TB patients is 13-31 kg / m2 to 28.04 kg / m2 with an average of 19.54 + 3.03 kg / m2, the most clinical complaints are cough (80%), the most common comorbidities are pneumonia (15%) and based on thorax X-ray results found that the most finding was a picture of pleural effusion (22.5%).Conclusion: Based on demographic characteristics, relapse pulmonary TB patients were dominated by age + 50 years with male sex, highschool education status, dominant in patients who did not work and had a low BMI. Based on clinical symptoms, coughing up phlegm, coughing up bleeding and chest tightness are common symptoms. Based on the accompanying comorbidities, pneumonia and heart failure that most often accompanying disease. The most common X-ray image found in relapse pulmonary TB patients is the presence of pleural effusion.


  • Relapse pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is a TB patient who has previously received TB treatment, and has been declared cured or complete treatment, was re-diagnosed with positive smear TB based on swab examination or culture

  • Result: The results of this study showed that there were 40 patients proven to have pulmonary TB relapse

  • Predictors of multidrug resistance among pulmonary tuberculosis patients in a tertiary hospital in North Sumatera, Indonesia

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Batuk Dahak Batuk Darah Sesak Napas Nyeri Dada Demam Penurunan Kesadaran

Dalam studi ini ditemukan bahwa pasien TB paru relapse didominasi oleh laki-laki dengan rentang usia + 50 tahun, berpendidikan SMA, dengan pekerjaan wiraswasta atau tidak bekerja dan IMT yang kurang. Hasil ini sesuai dengan studi sebelumnya dimana memang dikatakan bahwa usia yang produktif cendrung memiliki risiko lebih besar dalam mengalami kekambuhan TB paru. Studi dari Pedro dkk yang dilakukan 2 tahun sebelumnya juga mendukung hasil ini, dimana laki-laki (61,6%) lebih rentan mengalami kekambuhan TB paru dibanding perempuan (38,4%).[10] Studi dari Lee dkk juga mendukung temuan sebelumnya dengan menunjukkan bahwa jenis kelamin laki-laki secara independent mempengaruhi relapse TB paru secara signifikan dibandingkan dengan wanita (OR=1,33; 95%CI = 1,24-1,43).[9] Lebih banyaknya studi yang menunjukkan insidensi relapse yang lebih sering terjadi pada laki-laki disebabkan karena laki-laki sebagian besar mempunyai kebiasaan merokok, minum alkohol, dan menggunakan obat-obatan terlarang, dimana hal ini memiliki korelasi dengan terjadinya HIV. Kekurangan kalori dan protein serta kekurangan zat besi dapat meningkatkan risiko kekambuhan TB Paru.[7]

Karakteristik Keluhan Klinis Pasien TB Paru Relapse
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