
Farmer’s capacity is the most important factor in agricultural development based on human resources; high level of farmer’s capacity ensures his success and sustainable of agribusiness. The objectives of the research are: to determine the level of farmer’s capacity and to analyze dominant factors affecting farmer’s capacity. The research was carried out in Malang and Pasuruan Districts which are the centres of vegetables in East Java Province. Data were collected using structured interviews and direct observation. Total sample was consisted of 177 farmers, drawn using a cluster random sampling technique. The results of the research show that: the level of farmer’s capacity is in a lows level, there is significant difference of the level of farmer’s capacity in two locations, The level of farmer’s capacity in Malang district is higher than in Pasuruan District. The characteristics of innovation and formal educational are determinant factors affecting farmer’s capacity. The fasctors have significant indirect effect to the success of agribussiness through farmer’s capacity and self reliance in farming. The results of the research imply that agricultural extension should take into consideration the level of farmer’s educational level, farmer’s capacity and characteristics of innovation in developing programs to disseminate innovation and information.


  • most important factor in agricultural development based on human resources

  • Pasuruan Districts which are the centres of vegetables in East Java Province

  • Total sample was consisted of 177 farmers

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Desain Penelitian

Rancangan Penelitian disusun untuk menelaah hubungan antar peubah penelitian yang telah dirumuskan sebelumnya, yang meliputi: (X1) Lingkungan Fisik, (X2) Lingkungan Sosial Ekonomi Budaya, (X3) Akses pada informasi, (X4) Ketersediaan inovasi, (X5) Karakteristik pribadi petani, dengan (Y1) Kapasitas petani, (Y2) Kemandirian Usahatani dan (Y3) Keberhasilan Usaha Pertanian. Penelitian dilakukan di dua lokasi berbeda pada populasi petani sayuran dataran tinggi yaitu Kabupaten Malang dan Pasuruan. Petani di wilayah Kabupaten Pasuruan dapat dikategorikan sebagai petani sedang berkembang dan petani di wilayah kabupaten Malang merupakan petani maju. Lokasi wilayah kabupaten Malang terpilih kecamatan Pujon meliputi desa Ngabab dan Madiredo, sedangkan kabupaten Pasuruan terpilih kecamatan Tutur (Nongkojajar) meliputi desa Ngadirejo dan desa Kayukebek. Pengalaman berusahatani petani sayuran di Kabupaten Malang menunjukkan lebih rendah (16,1 tahun) dibanding petani sayuran di Kabupaten Pasuruan (22,6 tahun). Sebagian besar (57,9%) tingkat kosmopolitan petani sayuran di Kabupaten Malang berkategori tinggi sedangkan petani sayuran (52,5%) di Kabupaten Pasuruan memiliki kategori rendah. Tingkat keberanian mengambil resiko petani sayuran di Kabupaten Malang termasuk tinggi (skor 68,2) dibanding petani sayuran di Kabupaten Pasuruan memiliki rataan skor rendah (skor 51,3)

Sampel dan Analisis Data
Karakteristik Petani
Kondisi Inovasi dan Informasi
Kapasitas Petani
Sangat Tinggi Rataan skor Sangat Rendah
Rat aan
Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kapasitas Petani
Strategi Peningkatan Kapasitas Petani
Usaha Pertanian
Disunting oleh Ida Yustina dan Adjat
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