
Mesozoic ophiolites crop out discontinuously in the Indo‐Myanmar Ranges in NE India and Myanmar, and represent the remnants of the Neotethyan oceanic lithosphere (Sengupta et al., 1990; Mitchell, 1993). These ophiolites in the Indo‐Myanmar Ranges are the southern continuation of the Neotethyan ophiolites occurring along the Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone (YZSZ) in southern Tibet farther northwest (Mitchell, 1993; Fareeduddin and Dilek, 2015), as indicated by their coeval crystallization ages and geochemical compositions (Yang et al., 2012; Liu et al., 2016). The Kalaymyo ophiolite is located in the central part of the eastern Indo‐Myanmar Ranges (Fig. 1).composition of these ophiolites from the central Tibetan Plateau (CTP) is dominated by MORBs and minor OIBs and a distinct lack of IATs and BONs, which is inconsistent with most ophiolites worldwide (Robinson and Zhou, 2008; Zhang et al., 2008). But the generation and tectonic nature of these ophiolites are still controversial.The Kalaymyo peridotites consist mainly of harzburgites, which show typical porphyroclastic or coarse‐grained equigranular textures. They are composed of olivine (Fo = 89.8–90.5), orthopyroxene (En86‐91Wo1‐4Fs8‐10; Mg# = 89.6–91.9), clinopyroxene (En46‐49Wo47‐50Fs3‐5; Mg# = 90.9–93.6) and spinel (Mg# = 67.1–78.9; Cr# = 13.5–31.5), and have relatively homogeneous whole‐rock compositions with Mg#s of 90.1–90.8 and SiO2 (41.5–43.65 wt.%), Al2O3 (1.66–2.66 wt.%) and CaO (1.45–2.67 wt.%) contents.They display Light Rare Earth Element (LREE)‐depleted chondrite‐normalized REE patterns with (La/Yb)CN = 0.04–0.21 and (Gd/Yb)CN = 0.40–0.84, and show a slight enrichment from Pr to La with (La/Pr)CN in the range of 0.98–2.36. The Kalaymyo peridotites are characterized by Pd‐enriched chondrite‐normalized PGE patterns with superchondritic (Pd/Ir)CN ratios (1.15–2.36). Their calculated oxygen fugacities range between QFM–0.57 and QFM+0.90.These mineralogical and geochemical features collectively suggest that the Kalaymyo peridotites represent residual upper mantle rocks after low to moderate degrees (5–15%) of partial melting at a mid‐ocean‐ridge (MOR) environment. The observed enrichment in LREE and Pd was a result of their reactions with enriched MORB‐like melts, percolating through these already depleted, residual peridotites. The Kalaymyo and other ophiolites in the Indo‐Myanmar Ranges hence represent mid‐ocean ridge (MOR)–type Tethyan oceanic lithosphere derived from a downgoing plate and accreted into a westward migrating subduction–accretion system along the eastern margin of India.

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