
Medan is capital city of North Sumatera that established since 1590. Medan City has six historical area which there are many historical objects and landscapes. The six historical area are Kesawan, Maimun Palace, Polonia, Kampung Madras, Pulo Brayan, and Labuhan Deli Old City. The objectives of this study are to produce historical landscapes distribution map and to assess potential of historical tourism in the six historical area. This study used old map of Medan City (year 1913 and 1945) in order to assess for the distribution of historical objects/landscapes that still exist. The value of potential historical tourism obtained from total of authenticity, uniqueness, and tourism supporting factors. The results of the study show that Kesawan area has the most amount of historical objects/landscapes (19) with character of Netherland-Indische Colonial and China Town. Kesawan area also has the highest value of potential historical tourism. Besides that, Maimun Palace area and Polonia area also has high value of authenticity and uniqueness. Maimun Palace has strong character of Melayu Deli Sultanate and Polonia has strong character of Colonial. Location of this two areas are also adjacent with Kesawan area. Therefore, the Maimun Palace and Polonia area has high potential to be developed as historical tourism area.


  • Kota Medan merupakan ibukota Provinsi Sumatera Utara yang terletak di pesisir timur Sumatera Utara

  • in order to assess for the distribution of historical objects

  • The value of potential historical tourism obtained from total of authenticity

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Lokasi dan Waktu Penelitian

Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada kawasan bersejarah di pusat Kota Medan, Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Sebaran kawasan bersejarah pada penelitian ini berdasarkan KCB yang disebutkan Peraturan Daerah Kota Medan Nomor 13 Tahun 2011 yang terbagi menjadi enam kawasan. Kawasan bersejarah tersebut yaitu Kawasan Kesawan, Kawasan Istana Maimun, Kawasan Kampung Madras, Kawasan Polonia, Kawasan Eks Kompleks Kereta Api Pulo Brayan, dan Kawasan Kota Lama Labuhan Deli. Penelitian dilaksanakan bulan Januari - Mei 2016

Alat dan Bahan
Pengumpulan Data
Pemetaan Sebaran dan Kondisi Lanskap Sejarah
Penilaian Potensi Wisata Sejarah
Pemetaan Lanskap Sejarah dan Kondisi Lanskap Sejarah Kota Medan
Nilai Keaslian dan Keunikan Lanskap Sejarah
Penilaian Faktor Pendukung Wisata
Hasil dari inventarisasi kondisi objek dan lanskap sejarah
Obyek Sejarah
Istana Maimun Polonia
Kota Lama Labuhan Deli
Pengelola Objek
Aksesibilitas Total
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