
Evaluation of metabolic energy value of roasted sorghum in culled laying chickens ABSTRACT. Tannin contained in sorghum can be reduced by using technology processing such as roasting. By using this way, husk of sorghum can be removed leading to decrease of tannin content which is reflected by the value of metabolism energy. The purpose of this experiment is to investigate the effect of roasted sorghum on metabolism energy of culled laying chickens. Measurement of metabolic energy as mathematic is used as comparison. The material used in his experiment was red sorghum, water, and 39 culled laying chickens. Equipment used in this experiment was balance, roasting tool, plastic, force feeding equipment, metabolism cages and bomb calori-meter. This experiment used completely randomized design consisting of 4 treatments and 4 replications (each replication 3 chickens). Treatment consisted of T0 = no roasted sorghum, T1 = roasted for 5 minutes and T2 = roasted for 10 minutes. Data collected were metabolism energy of roasted sorghum both biologically (force feeding) and mathematically (proximate analysis) at culled laying chickens. All data were statistically calculated, further statistically was conducted by using Duncan and compression of metabolism energy was calculated by using t-Test. The results show that, no statistically effect (p0, 05) on duration of roasting on metabolism energy of sorghum. Based on t-Test analysis, there was a significantly difference (p0, 05) between biological metabolism and mathematical metabolism. From this experiment, it can be concluded that 10 minutes of roasting cannot increase of sorghum metabolic energy. The average of biological metabolic was lower (3105, 94 kcal/kg) compared to the average of mathematical metabolic energy (3766, 82 kcal/kg).


  • Sorghum sebagai bahan pakan mempunyai kandungan nutrisi yang hampir sama dengan jagung

  • The results show that, no statistically effect (p>0, 05) on duration of roasting on metabolism energy of sorghum

  • Beberapa Metode Pengukuran Energi Metabolis Bahan Makanan Ternak pada Itik

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Metode yang digunakan untuk pengukuran EM biologis adalah dengan percobaan kecernaan secara in vivo dan secara matematis menggunakan data analisis proksimat. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di peternakan milik bapak Suwarno di desa Bulusan, Tembalang, Semarang, Laboratorium Teknologi Makanan Ternak dan Laboratorium Ilmu Makanan Ternak Jurusan Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Diponegoro Semarang. Materi Penelitian Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 12 kg sorghum merah, air dan ternak percobaan sebanyak 39 ekor ayam. Kajian Nilai Energi Metabolis Biji Sorghum Melalui Teknologi Sangrai Pada Ayam Petelur Periode Afkir (Dr Ir. Hanny Indrat Wahyuni, M.Sc. et al.). Petelur afkir dengan bobot badan 2 ± 0,05 kg. Alat yang digunakan adalah timbangan, alat untuk sangrai, plastik untuk menampung ekskreta, alat “force feeding”, kandang dan bomb kalorimeter

Metode Penelitian Rancangan yang digunakan adalah
Nilai Energi Metabolis Biji Sorghum Secara Biologis
Nilai Energi Metabolis Biji Sorghum Secara Biologis dan Matematis
Sangrai secara Biologis dan Matematis pada Ayam Petelur Afkir
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