
biography, and his life documents?diaries, letters, reflections in apho ristic form?that, although he was indeed indifferent to it in his youth, Jewishness and Judaism began to matter very much to him from 1911 on, when Kafka was twenty-eight. From that time on, he began to be intensely occupied with Jewish history, Jewish tradition, Jewish lore, and Jewish culture?an interest which was not only sustained but constantly grew until his death in 1924 at the age of forty. It is significant for his writing that Kafka's turn to Judaism preceded by less than one year what he called his breakthrough to the work of his maturity, to the kind of writing that established his posthumous fame and for which the adjec tive kafkaesque has been coined. As I shall try to show, there exists a connection between the peculiar nature of Kafka's mature writing and his discovery of what he considered to be authentic Judaism, which he regretted bitterly not having known until then. To do justice to the relationship between Kafka's discovery of Judaism and the structure of his writing, it will be helpful to provide some historical background on the situation and self-understanding of the Jews of Prague in Kafka's time, because this, as I shall try to show, has an important bearing on the topic. Franz Kafka was born in 1883, in Prague, then the capital of the province of Bohemia of the Austro-Hungarian empire. Kafka was the eldest and only surviving son, and for several years the only child?later several girls were born?of an upwardly mobile bourgeois couple of minimally observant German-speaking Jews. His father, Herrmann Kafka, son of a kosher butcher in a rural south Bohemian ghetto, was a hard working, self-made man who like so many other Jews had come to the capital to rise in the world. He acquired a dry goods store in the center of old Prague which became highly successful and which his energetic wife Julie, n?e L?wy, helped to run. The Kafkas were in many ways a

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