
One-electron capture from the K shell of a target ion (atom) by impact of a bare ion at intermediate and high energies has been studied in the continuum distorted wave approximation. Double-scattering structures on differential cross sections d sigma /d Omega , predicted by Rivarola and Miraglia (1982) for large velocities, are analysed for non-relativistic high energies in near-symmetric and very asymmetric monoelectronic systems. Multielectron systems are also considered in order to determine the influence of passive electrons on these two-step processes. Theoretical results are in good agreement with the first recent experimental data on the Thomas's differential cross section peak from Horsdal-Pedersen et al. (1983) for the H+-He system. The authors compare the continuum distorted wave approximation for asymmetric systems at intermediate velocities with experimental differential cross sections and impact parameter probabilities from Horsdal-Pederson et al. (1983). The systems considered are: p+Ne at 1.5 MeV laboratory energy and p+C at 0.4 and 0.6 MeV laboratory energies. The agreement between theory and experiment is remarkable.

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