
The LILE geochemical patterns of the three main lithological units (graywacke-shale metasedimentary sequence, tholeiitic metaigneous rocks and migmatitic rocks) of the Lapland Granulite belt are described. K, Ba, Sr and Th concentrations in metasediments are nearly similar to average continental crust, whereas Rb and U are unevenly impoverished. In particular graphitic metashales and calcsilicate rocks are not significantly depleted in uranium. Tholeiitic metaigneous rocks comprises metavolcanics which present K/Rb ratios similar to metasediments, and metaplutonics with LILE abundances close to those of the low-K-tholeiites. Migmatites show wide range in LILE content. Metatexites and diatexites have higher K, Rb, Th and U concentrations and similar K/Rb ratios with respect to equivalent unmobilized rocks. Potassic pegmatoids are strongly enriched K, Rb, Ba and Th but moderately in Sr and U. Plagioclasic pegmatoids and ferromagnesian restites are rich in Sr and poor in other LIL elements.

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