
Uptakes of 22Na, 36Cl, and 86Rb into isolated bovine tracheal epithelial cells were measured in the presence and absence of 10 microM bumetanide. Preincubation with ouabain (0.5 mM) did not alter initial rates of Na and Cl uptakes but prolonged from 0.5 or less to 2 min the period in which Na uptake is linear with time. Initial rates of bumetanide-inhibitable Na and Cl uptakes (influxes), measured for 2 min in identical solutions, were similar in magnitude (bumetanide-sensitive Cl influx/bumetanide-sensitive Na influx = 1.2). Omission of K did not affect bumetanide-sensitive Na or Cl influx. Cl influx was not affected by 4-acetamido-4'-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid. Amiloride (0.1 mM) partially inhibited the bumetanide-insensitive Na influx but had no effect on the bumetanide-sensitive Na influx. Rb influx was not affected by bumetanide but was markedly reduced by ouabain and slightly reduced by Ba, the combination being additive. Half-maximally inhibitory concentration values for inhibition of Cl influx by 4 sulfamoylbenzoic acid derivatives were as follows (in mumol/l): 0.125 benzmetanide; 0.64 bumetanide; 16 piretanide; and 26 furosemide. Affinities of Na and Cl for the bumetanide-inhibitable cotransport process were determined by measuring bumetanide-sensitive Cl influx at varying [Na] and bumetanide-sensitive Na influx at varying [Cl]. Both plots were hyperbolic, and the K0.5 values for Na and Cl were 4.1 and 53.9 mM, respectively. Bumetanide-inhibitable Cl influx was not altered by secretory stimuli (epinephrine, A23187) but was more than doubled by osmotic shrinkage (200 mM mannitol or sucrose).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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