
Purpose: To report four cases of genetically verified juvenile X-linked retinoschisis (XLRS) with normal scotopic b-waves in full-field ERG, including one patient with a novel mutation (W50X) in the RS1gene. Methods: Four XLRS patients from different families were examined with regard to visual acuity, kinetic perimetry, fundus photography, full-field ERG, and OCT. Two of these patients were also examined with multifocal-ERG (mfERG). Mutations in the RS1gene were identified by sequence analysis. Results: The full-field ERG presented normal b-wave amplitudes on scotopic white-light stimulation. OCT and mfERG presented macular schisis and macular dysfunction. Genetic analysis revealed a deletion of exon 1 and the promotor region in one patient and mutations giving rise to the amino acid substitutions R209C and W96R in two others. The fourth patient carried a novel mutation in exon 3 of the RS1 gene (nt 149 G→A), causing the introduction of a stop codon after amino acid 49 in the RS protein. Conclusion: Four young males with XLRS did not present with reduction in the scotopic b-wave amplitude on full-field ERG, which is otherwise often considered to be characteristic of the disease. Full-field ERG and molecular genetic analysis of the RS1gene still remain the most important diagnostic tools for this retinal disorder, although the OCT can be a valuable complement in order to make the diagnosis at an early stage.

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