
The analysis of differences between juvenile and adult oocytes may provide useful information on the acquisition of meiotic and developmental competence of the female gamete. In oocytes collected from either ewes or 40-day-old lambs, we evaluated membrane electrical properties, such as resting potential, conductance, activation ion currents, L-type Ca(2+) currents as well as calcium stores and IP3 sensitivity; in addition, the incidence of apoptosis in cumulus cells in these two age categories was compared. The analysis was carried out in oocytes both prior to and after in vitro maturation. Significant differences were found in all the examined parameters in relation to maturational stages whereas minor differences were recorded in relation to age of the donor. IP3 sensitivity strongly increased after in vitro maturation following a dose-dependent pattern from 1 to 500 micromol/L with a significant interaction (P < 0.01) between dose and maturational stage. The incidence of apoptosis in cumulus cells strongly increased after in vitro maturation and was greater in adult than in juvenile cumulus cells (39.2 +/- 5.8% vs. 21.9 +/- 3.5%; P < 0.01). In conclusion, all the examined parameters were greatly affected by the maturational stage, whereas minor differences were due to age-related oocyte quality, that is, at plasma membrane levels to conductance, activation current peaks and calcium currents, at cytosol level to calcium stores and IP3 sensitivity, and to incidence of apoptosis in cumulus cells. These parameters were compared with previous data in bovine to analyze oocyte quality in juvenile and adult individuals or between species.

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