
Even though there is a lot of research both on formative assessment and structural knowledge, the formative assessment of structural knowledge is an absent element in the study process. One tool which could be used successfully by teachers for the mentioned purpose is concept mapping. However, its application for formative assessment is rarely based on a well-planned approach. This paper presents results indicating that concept mapping is a suitable tool for the formative assessment of structural knowledge. It is the first step of the development of an approach for the use of concept mapping in the formative assessment of structural knowledge. This paper is based on a) extensive analysis of available information sources on formative assessment and concept mapping and b) reflection of the author’s personal experience of implementation of formative assessment activities using concept mapping. The goal of the paper is not only to justify usage of concept mapping as a tool for the formative assessment of structural knowledge, but also to encourage teachers to use concept mapping in their practice for formative assessment purposes. This paper briefly describes elements of concept maps, defines the concept of structural knowledge and discusses the process of formative assessment. Suitability of concept mapping for the formative assessment of structural knowledge is considered in the light of three questions: Do concept maps allow seeing clearly differences between experts’ and novices’ structural knowledge? Does concept mapping support the main aspects of formative assessment? Is it possible to minimise the cost of formative assessment based on concept mapping?


  • Nowadays there exists an urgent demand for engineers all around the world, but educational institutions are not able to satisfy it fully (Department of Labour, 2008; Design Engineering staff, 2011; Dupre, 2014; Harrison, 2012)

  • This paper presents findings indicating that concept mapping is a suitable tool for the formative assessment of structural knowledge

  • On the basis of extensive literature study and the author’s personal instructional experience, this paper presents facts proving that concept mapping is an excellent tool for the formative assessment of students’ structural knowledge

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Nowadays there exists an urgent demand for engineers all around the world, but educational institutions are not able to satisfy it fully (Department of Labour, 2008; Design Engineering staff, 2011; Dupre, 2014; Harrison, 2012). In such circumstances it is important that students who have graduated from higher educational institutions are capable of adapting quickly in a working environment and to begin professional activity in an efficient manner This could be done by implementing an integrated set of problembased and project-based learning activities, aligning curricula with industry demands, supporting students’ mobility, etc. One tool which could be used successfully by teachers for the assessment of structural knowledge is concept mapping, suited to engineering programmes, as these students typically have experience working with different graphical tools and diagrammatic representations. It will be relatively easy for teachers to introduce concept mapping in the study process. Conclusions and the direction of future work are given at the end of the paper

Structural knowledge
Formative assessment
Concept mapping
Concept mapping and formative assessment
Displaying differences between experts’ and novices’ structural knowledge
Satisfying purposes of formative assessment
Adjustment of the study process through the teacher’s and students’ actions
Essential characteristics of formative assessment
Minimisation of cost
Conclusion and future work
Full Text
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