
The role of this study is to expand an understanding of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) proposals towards developing central capabilities in Indian sugar mill industries. The authors have decisively examined the implications of OEE implementation in the sugar mill sector. The study discloses that management and leadership, with their honest involvement towards execution of Japanese’s maintenance practices, can appreciably add to accumulate the core competencies and sustainability. The study highlights that OEE initiatives outscore traditional maintenance practices towards improving process performance (PP). Attentive OEE implementation over a reasonable time period can extensively increase the consciousness of central capabilities in PP. The study has been carried out to establish the assistance of OEE proposals for achieving core competencies in process industries. Though, sector-wise execution of the plan for all process industries can also be achieved to evaluate the contributions of OEE in the industrial sectors. The plan of the study is to spot the impact of key OEE proposals and dimensions on managerial performance. The paper emphasizes the need to bring disciplined organizational changes in launching maintenance improvement activities for approving the enhancements in the performance of the industry. In today’s highly dynamic and rapidly changing environment, the global competition among organizations has guided the maintenance activities to précised demands in the manufacturing organization.

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