
In support of the prelaunch calibration of the Joint Polar Satellite System-1 (JPSS-1) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), the Bidirectional Reflectance Factor (BRF) and Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) of a VIIRS solar diffuser (SD) witness sample were determined using the table-top goniometer (TTG) located in the NASA GSFC Diffuser Calibration Laboratory (DCL). The BRF of the sample was measured for VIIRS bands in the reflected solar wavelength region from 410 nm to 2250 nm. The new TTG was developed to extend the laboratory’s BRF and BRDF measurement capability to wavelengths from 1600 to 2250 nm and specifically for the VIIRS M11 band centered at 2250 nm. We show the new features and capabilities of the new scatterometer and present the BRF and BRDF results for the incident/scatter test configuration of 0°/45° and for a set of angles representing of the VIIRS on-orbit solar diffuser calibration. The BRF and BRDF results of the SD witness were used to assist in finalizing the set of BRF values of J1 VIIRS SD to be used on-orbit. Comparison of the BRF results between the JPSS-1 VIIRS SD witness sample and the flight SD panel was made by varying different sample clocking orientations and by analyzing the ratio of BRF to total hemispherical reflectance in effort to minimize the uncertainty of the extrapolated flight BRF value at 2250 nm. Furthermore, differences between the prelaunch BRF results and those used in the VIIRS on-orbit BRF lookup table were examined to improve the VIIRS BRF calibration for future missions.

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