
Antibody labeling of red blood cell (RBC) proteins is a commonly used, semi-quantitative method to detect changes in overall protein content or acute alterations in protein activation states. It facilitates the assessment of RBC treatments, characterization of differences in certain disease states, and description of cellular coherencies. The detection of acutely altered protein activation (e.g., through mechanotransduction) requires adequate sample preparation to preserve otherwise temporary protein modifications. The basic principle includes immobilizing the target binding sites of the desired RBC proteins to enable the initial binding of specific primary antibodies. The sample is further processed to guarantee optimal conditions for the binding of the secondary antibody to the corresponding primary antibody. The selection of non-fluorescent secondary antibodies requires additional treatment, including biotin-avidin coupling and the application of 3,3-diaminobenzidine-tetrahydrochloride (DAB) to develop the staining, which needs to be controlled in real-time under a microscope in order to stop the oxidation, and thus staining intensity, on time. For staining intensity detection, images are taken using a standard light microscope. In a modification of this protocol, a fluorescein-conjugated secondary antibody can be applied instead, which has the advantage that no further development step is necessary. This procedure, however, requires a fluorescence objective attached to a microscope for staining detection. Given the semi-quantitative nature of these methods, it is imperative to provide several control stains to account for non-specific antibody reactions and background signals. Here, we present both staining protocols and the corresponding analytical processes to compare and discuss the respective results and advantages of the different staining techniques.

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