
Part 1 Management resources and the structures of modern firms: modern business enterprise and managerial hierarchies some implications of Chandler's hypotheses management resources and the types of hierarchies aspects of Japanese management structures. Part 2 The formation of managerial hierarchies 1920-40: management structures and large-scale industrial companies in pre-war Japan internalization of human resources management strategies and generating the flow of goods inside firms decentralized structures. Part 3 Holding companies and corporate control 1920-40: external institutions of pre-war large-scale industrial companies the development of holding companies corporate control and strategic decision making segmented allocation of management resources change and continuity during the war. Part 4 Hierarchies and federations in the post-war era: the post-war business groups and big business - new evidence the six largest business groups and the largest 100 industrial companies - interpretation of evidence giant companies and their affiliated large-scale industrial firms. Part 5 The development of large-scale industrial companies 1950-80: large-scale firms and their products entry and exit their positions and sizes direction of development - mergers and horizontal combinations, vertical integration, diversification strategy and structure of Japanese firms. Part 6 The traditionally established companies in fabricated basic materials: textile companies paper, printing, and materials enterprises steel companies nonferrous metals companies. Part 7 New industries in the traditional companies: chemical and pharmaceutical companies electric and electronic companies heavy engineering companies. Part 8 New companies in the post-war mass market: food and drink companies oil companies automobile companies miscellaneous companies in durable consumer's goods. Part 9 Management resources and their development: the development of management structures in Japanese industrial companies the direction of the development of modern firms - types and stages.

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