
By the end of 2019, ITER had completed about 67% of the overall work required to achieve First Plasma. Significant progress has been achieved since SOFT 2018, most visible in the completion of key buildings and infrastructure on the worksite. The tokamak building will be ready for equipment as of Spring 2020. Commissioning of the connection to the EU grid and the substation for the steady-state electric network is complete. Planning for commissioning of other key plant systems (e.g., secondary cooling water, cryoplant, pulsed power for magnet systems) is well underway. On the manufacturing front, progress is equally impressive. The base and lower cylinder of the cryostat were completed and turned over to ITER in July 2019. The first two poloidal field coils will be turned over to ITER in early 2020, and two more are being wound. Factory tests of the first central solenoid module will be completed in 2020, and five more modules are in the manufacturing process. The first toroidal field coil is to arrive onsite in early 2020, and progress is rapid on additional TF coils. The first sections of the thermal shield are already onsite. The first vacuum vessel sector is complete and will arrive onsite in early 2020. This progress means that, for most of the major first-of-a-kind components, the capability has now been demonstrated to fabricate according to ITER’s demanding specifications. With this progress achieved, ITER will enter Assembly Phase in 2020, remaining on schedule for First Plasma in 2025. The sequence of ITER operation from First Plasma (FP) to the achievement of the Q = 10 project goal has been consolidated in a Staged Approach, with all systems to be installed before the start of full fusion power operation in 2035. The ITER Research Plan, issued publicly in 2018, is consistent with the systems available in each phase. An adjustment of the machine baseline configuration was made in 2019, with two equatorial ports allocated to the Test Blanket Systems and the development of a better performing Disruption Mitigation System. Highlights from each of these areas (manufacturing, commissioning, tokamak assembly) will be presented along with the updated status and plans.

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