
u m f i o c t c e c i he National Council on Radiaion Protection and Measurements stimates that per capita medical raiation dose increased by almost 00% between 1986 and 2006, ith the largest contributions and ncreases from computed tomograhy (CT) and nuclear medicine [1]. arious approaches are needed to educe radiation exposure and minmize associated health risks [2]. In his column, we review some of hese strategies and describe the inormation technology (IT) tools eeded for optimal implementaion. First, redundant and unnecesary examinations must be elimiated where possible, or alternative xaminations with minimal radiaion exposure must be selected. omputerized physician order enry (CPOE) will enable providers to nter requests for examinations diectly into computers. Decision upport tools embedded in CPOE ystems can alert physicians in real ime to the existence of duplicate rior tests or inform them of more ppropriate tests to ensure the optial use of imaging [3]. The same T infrastructure (CPOE) can also e used to educate physicians about he risks of radiation exposure at he time of order entry. Second, radiation exposure per exmination performed must be miniized. This requires review of all exsting protocols in the radiology epartment, focusing on CT and uclear medicine initially. Once deartmental protocols have been optiized, the choice of a specific protool must be determined by detailed r

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