
For rats, a career in the pharmaceutical industry has never looked brighter. Out go monotonous maze-running sessions and dead-end jobs in the toxicology laboratory. In come glamorous media opportunities ranging from the crowd scenes in the Pied Piper of Hamlyn;1 to a starring role in the televised Get Real, Get a Prescription advertising campaign,2 sponsored by Pfizer, and supported by the MHRA, the Patients' Association, HEART UK, and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. Remember, ‘no rats were killed or harmed for the making of the advert’,3 which certainly makes a welcome change to what happened to the leading rat in I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here.4 With its graphic (not to say gross-out) footage, Get Real was the advertisement which brought the production values of Animal House into your unsuspecting suburban home, leaving a stain on your soft furnishings...

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