
Of the important issues of the first Republic of Armenia of 1918-1920-ies are the follows: 1. establishment oftheir national, territorial borders, 2. International recognition of these borders as by their immediate neighbors as well by other countries, 3. Preservation ofthe territorial integrity of their state both by force of arms and through diplomacy. The history of the first Republic of Armenia is, first of all, the history of the military and diplomatic struggle for international recognition of the territories included in its borders, where its negative influence had both Armenia’s immediate neighbors ? Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, and the major European states and Soviet Russia. It should be noted that the representatives ofthe authorities ofthe first Republic of Armenia of 1918-1920-ies and different directions of socio-political ideas sometimes did not show proper consistency and the necessary diplomatic skills in finding a just solution in matters relating to the borders of Armenia. True, the era was complicated and contradictory, but in our deep conviction, in the event of standing above narrow party and ideological interests, a correct assessment of the current situation, manifestation of a strong unity and guidance exclusively by national interventions, it would nevertheless be possible to find good solutions, or, in the worst case, get out of a difficult situation with at least smaller territorial losses.

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