
The article analyzes the transformation of the UAE policy towards Israel. Special at- tention is paid to the development of the country’s foreign policy priorities amid consolida- tion of the federal state. Strengthening relations with the Arab states during the first decades of the UAE history, participation in the Arab League, which consolidated the states of the Arab world, support of its opposition to Israel were the factors determining the anti-Israeli policy of the Emirates. The official position of the UAE was formulated under the influence of pan-Arab rhetoric and in no way differed from the position reflected in the documents of the Arab League summits. The peace process around the Arab-Israeli conflict launched since the 1991 in the framework of the Madrid Peace Conference did not result in the establish- ment of contacts between the UAE and Israel. The adjustment of Emirates’ foreign policy began after the aggravation in the Middle East, when countries such as Syria, Yemen and Libya were engulfed in conflicts. During this period, the Arab-Israeli conflict gradually lost its central role for the Arab world; the states of the Persian Gulf began to establish contacts with Israel, united by common fears about the strengthening Iran. The article discussed the path of stabilization between the United Arab Emirates and Israel including the role of their informal ties. The normalization between the UAE and Israel, outlined in August 2020 with the active participation of the United States, gave impetus to the establishment of relations between the two countries in various areas of mutual interest. The article traces the connec- tion between the specific areas of cooperation with Israel and those which were set byа Abu Dhabi as the key priorities of its national strategic development.


  • Strengthening relations with the Arab states during the first decades of The United Arab Emirates (the UAE) history, participation in the Arab League, which consolidated the states of the Arab world, support of its opposition to Israel were the factors determining the anti-Israeli policy of the Emirates

  • The official position of the UAE was formulated under the influence of pan-Arab rhetoric and in no way differed from the position reflected in the documents of the Arab League summits

  • The peace process around the Arab-Israeli conflict launched since the 1991 in the framework of the Madrid Peace Conference did not result in the establishment of contacts between the UAE and Israel

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Институт востоковедения РАН

В статье рассматривается процесс трансформации политики Объединённых Арабских Эмиратов (ОАЭ) в отношении Израиля, при этом внимание акцентируется на расширении внешнеполитических приоритетов страны, происходившем по мере консолидации федеративного государства. Курс на укрепление отношений с арабскими странами, характерный для первых десятилетий истории ОАЭ, участие в деятельности Лиги арабских государств (ЛАГ), консолидировавшей государства арабского мира, опираясь на их единство в противостоянии Израилю, определяло антиизраильскую политику Эмиратов. Процесс урегулирования арабо-израильского конфликта, запущенный с Мадридской мирной конференции 1991 г., не привёл к установлению контактов между ОАЭ и Израилем. В этот период арабо-израильский конфликт постепенно утрачивал своё центральное для региона значение; арабские государства Персидского залива приступили к установлению контактов с Израилем, с которым их связывали общие опасения относительно усиления Ирана. Ключевые слова: Объединённые Арабские Эмираты (ОАЭ), Израиль, ЛАГ, арабо-израильский конфликт, Авраамское соглашение.

Research Article
Позиции в отношении Израиля
Контакты с Израилем
Нормализация отношений с Израилем
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