
Isotype/subclass-specific antibody responses to adult Onchocerca volvulus extract (OvAg) were assessed by both ELISA and immunoblotting for a group of putatively immune individuals (PIs, n = 29) from a hyperendemic area in Ecuador and for a group of infected individuals (INFs, n = 470) from the same regions. As a group, the PIs have been previously shown to possess lower levels of OvAg specific IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4 than INF's but semi-quantitative analysis revealed that the relative proportions of these subclasses differs between the two groups. The IgG of the PI group contained a higher proportion of IgG3 and a lower proportion of IgG4 than the INF group. The frequency distribution of IgG3 responses was similar for the PI and INF groups. The frequency distributions for IgG1, IgG4 and IgE were significantly different between the PI and INF groups. A subgroup of the PIs were identified from frequency distributions and multivariate plots of individual isotype responses as having antibody responses (mainly IgG4) possibly indicative of cryptic infection. High IgE responses were exclusive to INF individuals, and a rare response type of high IgG3 with negligible levels of other isotypes/subclasses was seen only in the PI group. However, the majority of the PIs had negligible responses for all antibody classes. Immunoblots demonstrated no obvious differences in qualitative recognition between the PIs and INFs.

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